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自然科学史研究  2020, Vol. 39 Issue (4): 476-490    
内蒙古师范大学 科学技术史研究院,呼和浩特 010022
Double Impressions of the Ancient Observatory in the Eyes of Europeans in the 1870s and 1880s
CHEN Zhihui
Institute for the History of Science and Technology, Inner Mongolia Normal University, Hohhot 010022, China
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摘要: 自明初至清前期,北京古观象台上曾先后安置过郭守敬式的中国本土天文仪器,以及耶稣会士主持建造的欧洲第谷式仪器。19世纪七八十年代,这两类属性迥异的仪器同时存在于古观象台,使欧洲人对这两类仪器的历史有不同的关注点,从而形成对古观象台的不同印象。古观象台的双重印象,通过书籍、报刊以及1889年巴黎世界博览会展览得以反映,产生广泛影响。
关键词: 北京古观象台欧洲汉学家巴黎天文台巴黎1889年世博会    
Abstract: From the early Ming to the early Qing, traditional Chinese astronomical instruments and Europeanized instruments made by the Jesuits were installed on the terrace of the Beijing Ancient Observatory. In the 1870s to 1880s, these two types of instruments with different characteristics were still at the Ancient Observatory, and some Europeans examined their history from different focus points, forming different impressions of the Ancient Observatory. These double impressions were reflected in books, journals and the Paris Exposition Universelle of 1889, which had world-wide impact.
Key words: Beijing Ancient Observatory    European sinologists    Paris Observatory    Paris Exposition Universelle of 1889
收稿日期: 2019-04-17 出版日期: 2021-06-17
ZTFLH:  N09  
基金资助: 本文为国家社会科学基金资助项目“法国《自然》杂志中的西人在华科学考察研究”(项目编号:18XZS021)阶段成果
作者简介: 陈志辉,1984年生,广东佛山人,副教授,研究方向为天文学史、近代中西科学交流史。
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陈志辉. 近代与否之辨:19世纪七八十年代欧洲人对北京古观象台的双重印象[J]. 自然科学史研究, 2020, 39(4): 476-490.

CHEN Zhihui. Double Impressions of the Ancient Observatory in the Eyes of Europeans in the 1870s and 1880s. Studies in the History of Natural Sciences, 2020, 39(4): 476-490.


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