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自然科学史研究  2020, Vol. 39 Issue (1): 24-34    
加利福尼亚州 桑尼维尔市,94087 美国
Collation of the Disordered Text on the “Outward Curve” and “Inward Curve” in the “Bowyer” Section of the Kaogong Ji
Sunnyvale, California 94087,USA
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摘要: 《考工记·弓人》可能是世上最早的制弓技术文献,其中科技术语“往体”、“来体”分别指弛弦时弓体外挠和张弦时弓体内向。传本《考工记·弓人》曰:“往体多,来体寡,谓之夹臾之属,利射侯与弋。往体寡,来体多,谓之王弓之属,利射革与质。往体、来体若一,谓之唐弓之属,利射深。”然而求证于本书《弓人》节的“析干”之道和“成规”法,他书《周礼·夏官·司弓矢》的六弓次第和沈括《梦溪笔谈·弓有六善》,以及现代射艺知识,理校后发现:“往体多,来体寡”应是“王弓之属”;“往体寡,来体多”反而是“夹臾之属”。由此推测《考工记·弓人》曾经错简,理应校正为“往体多,来体寡,谓之王弓之属,利射革与质。往体寡,来体多,谓之夹臾之属,利射侯与弋。往体、来体若一,谓之唐弓之属,利射深。”
关键词: 《考工记》《梦溪笔谈》弓人往体来体    
Abstract: The “Bowyer” section of the Kaogong ji may be the earliest document of on bow making in the world. The technical term, the “outward curve (wang ti)”, refers to the reflex when unstrung; and the “inward curve (lai ti)”, the deflex when strung. According to Shen Kuo's Mengxi bitan, a bow with less reflex is less powerful than a bow of the same design but with more reflex. Based on evidence from both the “method to make a circle” and wood-cutting guide of the Kaogong ji itself, the six bow order of Zhouli, the Mengxi bitan, and modern archery, the author has proved that a traditional composite bow with more reflex and less deflex is more powerful than a bow of the same design but with less reflex and more deflex. Certain commentaries on the “Bowyer” section have been wrong for almost two thousand years, because of disorder in the extant text. The collated text reads: “Bows of the king's class are curved when unstrung and slightly curved when strung. These are advantageously used in shooting at shields, armors, and wood marks. Bows of the hunting and fowling classes are slightly curved when unstrung and curved when strung. They are used in shooting at archery targets or flying birds. Bows of the Tang class are equally curved, whether strung or unstrung. They are used with advantage in shooting deep into an object.”
Key words: Kaogong ji    Mengxi bitan    bowyer    outward curve    inward curve
收稿日期: 2017-10-18 出版日期: 2021-06-22
ZTFLH:  N092  
作者简介: 闻人军,1945年生,浙江平湖人,资深工程师,浙江大学兼职研究员,主要研究方向为中国古代科技史、中国物理学史。
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闻人军. 《考工记·弓人》“往体”、“来体”句错简校读[J]. 自然科学史研究, 2020, 39(1): 24-34.

WENREN Jun. Collation of the Disordered Text on the “Outward Curve” and “Inward Curve” in the “Bowyer” Section of the Kaogong Ji. Studies in the History of Natural Sciences, 2020, 39(1): 24-34.


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