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自然科学史研究  2019, Vol. 38 Issue (3): 338-351    
南京信息工程大学科学技术史研究院,南京 210044
Research on Meteorological Divination Records in Pre-modern Japan: A Case Study of Clouds
Institute of History of Science and Technology, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing 210044, China
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摘要: 通过对日本古代云象记录的整理与研究,得到记录127项,其记录时间跨度长达1182年。在数据统计的基础上对其类型、发展、写作模式以及政治属性进行分析,可知以云象为代表的汉土传统气象占术被大和朝廷长期作为巩固统治、强调正统的有力工具。伴随摄关政治与幕府时代的到来,贵族政治与唐风文化衰落,使得云象记录在平安时代与幕府时代各自出现祥瑞与噩兆记录的两个密集周期。云象作为天象的组成部分进入日本官方司天机构的观测序列,但存在模棱两可与解读随意等缺陷。政治话语权以及史册选材控制权的强弱,深刻影响了后人所见云象记录的形态。当其他更受推崇的占术崛起后,注定了公家这一汉风意味浓厚的传统气象占逐步退出历史舞台的命运。
关键词: 日本气象占云象    
Abstract: By the collection and research of pre-modern meteorological (cloud) records in Japan, 127 items were recorded covering a time span of 1182 years. Based on an analysis of the type, development, writing style and political attributions of this data, it can be seen that traditional Chinese cloud divination had long been used as a powerful tool by the Japanese. With the advent of the Shogunate era, these records exhibit two intensive cycles in the Heian era and the Shogunate. Clouds, as an integral part of celestial phenomena, were included in the observation procedures of the Japanese official astronomical institutions, but the scope in interpretation provided by their ambiguity and randomness and other defects strengthened the essential attributions of political concerns. The power of political discourse and control of the selection of historical materials directly determined the pattern of cloud records available to later generations. After the rise of other more favored divination techniques, the traditional meteorology of the Japanese aristocracy was doomed to fade gradually from the historical stage.
Key words: Japan    meteorological divination    cloud
收稿日期: 2018-10-15 出版日期: 2021-06-21
ZTFLH:  N09  
基金资助: 江苏省基础研究计划(自然科学基金)青年基金项目"京都大学的中国天文学史学派研究"(批准号:BK20170937);国家社会科学基金项目"海上丝路与中国古代科技向日本传播研究"(项目编号:17BZS123)
作者简介: 杨凯,1985年生,浙江湖州人,科学技术史博士,讲师,研究方向为中日科技交流史。
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杨凯. 日本古代气象占记录研究—以云象为例[J]. 自然科学史研究, 2019, 38(3): 338-351.

YANG Kai. Research on Meteorological Divination Records in Pre-modern Japan: A Case Study of Clouds. Studies in the History of Natural Sciences, 2019, 38(3): 338-351.


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