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Studies in the History of Natural Sciences  2021, Vol. 40 Issue (2): 175-183    DOI:
An Interpretation of Eleven Colloquial Bird and Mammal Names in the Guihai Yuheng Zhi by Fan Chengda
ZHOU Sheng
The School of Humanities, Shaoxing University, Shaoxing 312000, China
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Abstract  Fan Chengda (范成大)'s Guihai yuheng zhi (桂海虞衡志,Gazetteer of the Guangnan Xilu Region) can not only serve as an important document for the study of history, but also provides much material concerning natural history in pre-modern times. Based on phonology, the comparison of pictures and text, and evidence from other local records, combined with practical bird-watching experience, this paper provides annotations on 11 colloquial names recorded in the chapters on birds and animals in the Guihai yuheng zhi. These include the terms baiyingwu (白鹦鹉, white cockatoo), wufeng (乌凤, black phoenix), fanmaoji (翻毛鸡, fluffy-hair chicken), shuique (水雀, water finch), yuan (猿, anthropoid), tushe (土麝, local musk deer), huoli (火狸, fire-spots ocelot), lanfu (懒妇, lazy woman), shishu (石鼠, stone rat), xiangshu (香鼠, musk mouse), and shanta (山獭, mountain otter).

Key wordsGuihai yuheng zhi(桂海虞衡志,Gazetteer of the Guangnan Xilu Region)      the names of birds &      mammals      colloquial words      interpretation      Fan Chengda (范成大)     
Received: 04 March 2019      Published: 27 January 2022
ZTFLH:  N092  
Cite this article:

ZHOU Sheng. An Interpretation of Eleven Colloquial Bird and Mammal Names in the Guihai Yuheng Zhi by Fan Chengda. Studies in the History of Natural Sciences, 2021, 40(2): 175-183.

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