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Studies in the History of Natural Sciences  2020, Vol. 39 Issue (增刊): 31-40    DOI:
The Planning and Implementation of the Complete Collection of Traditional Chinese Handicrafts
HUA Jueming
Institute for the History of Natural Sciences, CAS,Beijing 100190, China
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Abstract  In 1995, the Association for Traditional Chinese Handicrafts was founded and proposed the compilation of the Zhongguo chuantong gongyi quanji (Complete Collection of Traditional Chinese Handicrafts). In 1999, the project was formally approved, becoming one of the major research projects during the“Ninth Five-Year Plan” of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and one of the key publication projects during the“Ninth Five-Year Plan” of the National Press and Publication Administration. The subsequent two decades until 2015 witnessed the publication of 2 series of 20 books in 20 volumes, amounting to around 14 million characters and 14,000 illustrations. The key to the success of this program lies in the principles and methods adopted, including sound scientific foundations, ideas, beliefs, top-level design, personnel selection, and standardization.

Key wordsZhongguo chuantong gongyi quanji      traditional handicrafts      intangible cultural heritage      systems engineering     
Published: 17 June 2021
ZTFLH:  N092  
Cite this article:

HUA Jueming. The Planning and Implementation of the Complete Collection of Traditional Chinese Handicrafts. Studies in the History of Natural Sciences, 2020, 39(增刊): 31-40.

URL:     OR增刊/31

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